
Welcome to Rotaract at WM!

What is Rotaract?

Overall, Rotaract clubs bring together young people ages 18 and older in communities worldwide to organize service activities, develop leadership skills, and socialize. The Rotaract club supports Rotary international grants in the 7 areas of focus.

Our club is partnered with the Rotary Club of Williamsburg and a team of international Rotarians to work on grants. Our team will be working closely with Walter Hughes and his team to conduct global grants in Ghana. To learn more about Rotaract here.

Student Opportunities:

Upon joining Rotaract, students not only have many opportunities to serve others, but also grow professionally and academically.

This year, Rotaract at WM is working on three international humanitarian initiatives: The Sawua Elementary School, Tamale Florence Wash Grant, and Obuasi Wash Grant. These initiatives help the underprivileged have access to quality education, clean water, and sanitation. Learn more about our initiatives here.

Rotary International sponsors unique opportunities that students can benefit from. Each year, Rotary awards up to 130 fully funded fellowships for dedicated leaders from around the world to study at one of our peace centers. Since the program began in 2002, the Rotary Peace Centers have trained more than 1,500 fellows who now work in over 115 countries. Many serve as leaders in governments, NGOs, education and research institutions, peacekeeping and law enforcement agencies, and international organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank. The fellowships cover tuition and fees, room and board, round-trip transportation, and internship and field-study expenses.

Additionally Rotary has an exchange program. New Generations Service Exchange is a short-term, customizable program for university students and professionals up to age 30. The program allows students to make connections with service-minded community leaders in another country, learn another language, build your professional skills and gain international experience, and travel and explore a new culture while giving back through service.

Learn more about unique Rotary opportunities here.

Interest Meetings:

If you are interested in learning more about Rotaract at WM or get involved, please come out to our interest meetings.

We meet every other Thursday from 7pm – 8pm at Blow Memorial Hall Room 333 on the following dates:

September 8th and 22nd, October 6th and 20th, November 3rd and 17th, December 1st

We look forward to seeing you there!

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